Saturday, September 17, 2011

Optic Theory from Al-Haytam

In this post we will discuss about the biographies of Islamic scholars in the field of physics with the discovery of the theory of optimism. He is ibn Haytam. Here's his explanation. Through the Book of Al Manadhir, optical theory was first described. Until 500 years later, al-Haytham's theory was quoted many scientists.

Not many people know that the first person to explain about the mechanisms of vision in humans - which became the basis of modern optical theory - is the origin of the Iraqi Muslim scientist. His name is Ibn al-Haitam or in the West is known as Alhazen. Through his scientific work, Kitab al Manadhir or Book of Optics, he explains the various kinds of light phenomena including the human visual system.

For more than 500 years, the Book of Al Madahir continue to survive as the most important book in the science of optics. In 1572, his works translated into Latin under the title Opticae Thesaurus.
Chapter three examines the first volume of his ideas about light. In the book, Haytham believes that the rays of light out of the straight line from any point on a luminous surface.

He made a very careful experiment on the path of light through various media and discovered the theory of refraction of light. He, too, who did the first experiments on the spread of light on a variety of colors.

In the same book, he describes the range of light that appears at sunset, and also theories about various physical phenomena like shadows, eclipses, and also the rainbow. He also attempted to explain binocular vision and provide the correct explanation of the increased size of the sun and the moon when near horizon.

Haytham listed his name as the first to describe all the details of the human senses of vision. He gave a scientific explanation of how the man can see. One popular theory is that when he broke the vision put forward the theory of two Greek scientists, Ptolemy and Euclid.

Both of these scientists claim that humans can see because there is light coming out of eyes on the object. In contrast to both, Ibn Haytham correcting this theory by stating that it dilihatlah objects that emit light which is then captured the eye so that it can be seen.

In this book, he explains how the eye can see objects. He explained that the visual system ranging from performance nerves in the brain until the performance of the eye itself. He also explains in detail the parts and functions of the eye such as the conjunctiva, iris, cornea, lens, and explain the role of each of the human vision.

One of his most menomental is when Haytham with his student, Kamal ad-Din, for the first time investigate and record the phenomenon obsecura camera. This is the underlying performance of the camera currently used human race. By Webster's dictionary, this phenomenon literally interpreted as "dark room". Usually the shape of cardboard with small holes for entry of light.

While in his book Mizan al-Hikmah, he discussed the density of the atmosphere and build a correlation between them by a factor of altitude. He also studied atmospheric refraction and find the fact that the twilight only appears when the Sun is 19 degrees below horizon. With this basis, he tried to measure the height of the atmosphere. In his book, he also discusses the theory of mass appeal, a fact which shows that she realized the correlation with the acceleration of gravity.

In addition to the field of physics, Ibn Haytham also make an important contribution to the science of mathematics. In this science, he developed analytical geometry by establishing the relationship between algebra and geometry.

Haytham also create a book on cosmology that was translated into Latin and Hebrew in the Middle Ages. Another masterpiece is a book about evolution, which until now remains a concern of scientists the world.

Unfortunately, from so many of his works - his book is estimated at approximately 200 more - just a few terisa. Even his monumental work, The Book of Al Manadhir, no longer known rimbanya. One can only learn the translation, written in Latin.

Ibn al-Haytham (965-1039) Full Name: Abu Ali Muhammad ibn al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham Alias ??Name (West): Alhazen Origin: Basra, Iraq. The theory developed by: optics, refraction of light Scientific works: Kitab al-Manazir (Book of Optics).

Facts Optics Theory Registered: Isaac Newton in the 17th century developed a theory about lenses, light and prisms forms the basis for the modern theory of optics Fact: In the 11th century al-Haytham has developed a theory of optics. Not tertututp possibility, Newton's theory is affected by it, because in the Middle Ages, the theory is very famous. His work is widely cited European scientist. During the 16th century to 17, Newton and Galileo combined the theory with their findings.

Recorded: Isaac Newton, in the 17th century, the convergence theory of light, discovered that white light consists of various colors of light.

Fact: Al Haytham (XI century) and Kamal ad Din (XIV century) had expressed the same thing. Newton was not the only scientist who claimed that theory.

Recorded: British scientist Roger Bacon (1292) proposed the first time about the utility of glass lenses to aid vision. The lens is a simplified form of the work of al-Haytham. At the same time, the glass eye was made and used in China and Europe.

Fact: Ibn Firnas from Spain has been making glass eyes in the 9th century. He makes and sells to all of Spain two centuries earlier.


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